Bulgaria is located in the South-Eastern part of Europe. The country is an EU member since 2007 and is considered one of the viable outsourcing destination for major EU companies.

  • Available IT resource pool / stratum of educated professionals
  • Geographical proximity (distance & time zone)
  • Cultural proximity
  • Language skills
  • Political and economic stability / EU legal system


Bulgaria is on a GMT +2 timezone

Our time-zone allows us to be online at the same time with you. This means we will work right next to you 9 to 5 as if we are in the next room.
Most of the communication nowadays is based on conference calls and online messaging. So there is every chance that you won’t even notice that your colleague in Bulgaria is away.

Bulgaria is only 2 hours flight

In case we need to meet face to face, then we are really, really close to you. Only a 2 hours flight will get us together. We are ready to come and work onsite if needed and of course we are more than happy to welcome you n our premises.

The nearshoring is more efficient and more successful than the offshoring. Bulgaria has a passion for IT. We are the compatriots of John Vincent Atanasoff. Several generations later we still have a great talent pool. Take a look at ours.